viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

Is crystalline matter the answer to several questions in astronomy?

Is the plasma in the solid phase, the answer to the transparency of the universe, dark matter, and cold that exists in space?

This article answers to three of the questions bigger in the science of the astronomy, 1 - why the gaseous matter that was filling the universe, turned transparently, 2 - the called dark matter, a matter that is transparent, because if it was dark, it would absorb the light. 3 - Because temperatures exist the exterior space of up to-270 degrees centigrade. The science teaches us that any substance or matter under certain conditions evolves of phase or the states aggregate, and based on these thermodynamic laws applied for the plasma, under the conditions seen in the universe, it is possible to conclude, that the transparence of the matter in the universe, the dark matter, and the cold of the space, it can be explained if the plasma that originated in the big bang, to changed for the laws of the thermodynamics to the solid phase, and the solid phase of a plasma are crystals Ionic.



According to the big bang theory the universe was a hot plasma, and as the universe expanded this was cooled, but this cooling was called adiabatic, which would mean that the cooling was due to a change in phase, and between 300,000 and 800,000 the plasma that filled the universe, plasma change to gas, both that light could not escape, this is called "dark age". After took place a mysterious process, the gas became transparent.[i]

What is dark matter?
In Astrophysics and physical Cosmology is called dark matter to hypothetical matter that does not emit enough electromagnetic radiation to be detected with current technical means, but whose existence can be inferred from gravitational effects that cause visible matter, such as stars or galaxies, as well as the anisotropies of the cosmic background microwave present in the universe.[ii]

The super symmetry as response; 

The dark matter is a matter that has never been seen, that scientists know that exists on the gravitational effects in the visible matter. And in that search the scientists were raised the possibility that there is another kind of matter, whose particles were beyond the standard model known, based on the existence of an invisible matter, studied the particles of the standard model and found an anomaly in the standard model, in a particle known as "quark beauty", then to explain this anomaly emerged an explanation of new particles known as super symmetry, "Susy"
 which explains that every fundamental particle has a super partner, proving that the lightest of the group of particles theorized (not discovered), could have the properties hypothetical dark matter, known as particle super symmetry, “WIMP”[1]

Many were the experiments to try to prove the particles super symmetry, and mainly the particle WIMP, on the part of the scientific community as the laboratories of snolab, the Sasso, jinpinp in china etc, but still have not found anything. 

Then if we can say is that in the Large colisionador of adrones of Europe (LHC), it showed the results of the study of the anomaly of the fundamental particle “quark beauty”, of whose anomaly causes the new physics or supersymmetry, showing as results that this anomaly does not exist, and that the particle "quark beauty", behaves as predicted in the standard model[2]

Where do originate the matter in the universe?
The origin of matter in the universe, according to the paradigm that reigns in the science, teaches us that the matter originated plasma, originated from a large explosion. Based on this information we can say that the dark matter is caused by plasma.

What is plasma?
In physics and chemistry, is called plasma; the fourth state of aggregation of matter.
The plasma is the state of aggregation most abundant nature, and most of the matter in the visible universe is in the plasma state.

Can plasma change of state?

Any substance or mixture, modifying their conditions of temperature or pressure can be obtained different states or phases, called states of aggregation of matter, in relation to the forces of union of the particles (molecules, atoms or ions) that constitute it.
In physics and chemistry is called status change to the evolution of substance between several states of aggregation without entailing a change in its composition. The three states most studied and common on Earth are the solid, liquid and gas; however, the state of aggregation more common in the universe is the plasma, material of which they are composed the stars (if the dark matter is discarded).

Deionization: it is the change of plasma to a gas, but plasma when it has evolved into gas, is said to be it an ionic gas. Reverse sublimation; i.e. the direct passage of the State from gas to solid state. But when an ionic gas evolves into a solid, they are called Ionic solid, and an ionic solid is a crystal.

Ionic  crystal. Positive and negative ions are supported in the Crystal network for electrostatic attractions. Because the forces are strong, ionic substances have high melting points. Ionic crystals are hard and brittle. Due to the movement of an ion on another plane, ions with the same charge repel each other. The crystals breaks into pieces, these are good conductors of electricity when molten or in solution (Mortimer, 1983).

What is the cold?

Of the Latin frigĭdus, or rather heat absence, it is defined according to RAE as that body that has a temperature very lower than the ordinary one of the ambience. It is defined as an adjectival property of a body, without contributing a definition of the noun. The cold, in itself, is a low temperature (or the absence of a high temperature), talking each other therefore of a consequence of the heat, and not of an independent phenomenon.[iii]

What is the temperature? Is a magnitude referred to the common notions of heat, cold, mild or warm, measurable by a thermometer. In physics, is defined as a magnitude scale related to the internal energy of a system thermodynamic, defined by the principle of zero thermodynamics. More specifically, is directly related to the part of the inner energy known as "kinetic energy", which is the energy associated to the movements of the particles in the system, is in a sense translational, rotational, or in the form of vibrations. The temperature is usually measured in degrees Celsius (°C), and also in degrees Fahrenheit (F) or with a unit of absolute temperature as is the Kelvin (K). The absolute zero (0 K) corresponds to -273.15 ºC.[iv]

For an astronaut who orbits about the Earththe temperature may vary sharply in a matter of seconds, depending on who is in front of the sun or protected by the shadow of our planet. In the latter case, the temperature can reach up to -180º C. However, if the astronaut is located facing the astro king, the heat becomes unbearable, reaching 122 ºC.[v] But as we move further away from the sun this temperature is decreasing, therefore theoretically the lowest temperature in space would be 0ºK (-273, 15ºC), when there is no type of energy.
Absolute zero is the lowest theoretical temperature possible. At this temperature the level of internal energy of the system is the lowest possible, by which the particles, according to classical mechanics, lack of movement; [vi] However, according to quantum mechanics, the absolute zero must have a residual power, called zero point energy, to meet the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Absolute zero serves as a starting point for the Kelvin scale and the scale of Rankine.[vii]

Thus, 0 K (or what is the same, 0 R) correspond, approximately, to temperature −273, 15 ° C or −459, 67 ° F.3 [viii]
According to the third law of thermodynamics, absolute zero is an unattainable limit. The most current cold only reaches - 273,144 ° C. The reason for this is that molecules of the camera, arriving at that temperature, do not have enough energy to make it descend further. The entropy of a perfect Crystal pure and perfect

Would be zero, if the atoms that compose it do not form a perfect Crystal, its entropy must be greater than zero, so it is always higher than absolute zero and the glass will always have imperfections induced by the motion of its atoms, needing a movement that compensates for it and, therefore, always having a residual imperfection.

Fit to mention that at 0 K absolutely all the substances would harden and that according to the current model of the heat, the molecules would lose all ability to move or to vibrate.

Conclusions of the research;

The results of this research have taught us that the answer to the mystery of the transparency of the gas that filled the universe, the mystery of the transparent material which fills the universe, known as dark matter, and the cold that exists in the outer space, is a same; phase solid of plasma that filled the universe according to the big bang theory, has this conclusion can be reached due to the laws of thermodynamics for the plasma, when there is a change in temperature as occurred after the big bang.

The plasma are mainly composed of ions, according to thermodynamic laws, the plasma change of aggregation State due to the change in temperature, science teaches us that the fourth State of aggregation of matter (plasma) evolved to the third degree of aggregation, that is the ion gas, which originated the call "dark age" in the universe , but these same conditions originated by thermodynamic laws, that matter passed to the solid-state Ionic, which are ionic crystals, which are transparent, so I can say that the so-called "dark age" term when the ionic gas that filled the universe became transparent, because change state, ionic solids or ionic crystals, but we can also associate this crystalline matter , with dark matter, because it has all the known features of the dark matter, example, the dark matter should be transparent because things dark absorb light, is also known for effect lens, because doubles the space-time, (although it is strange that the space does not refracting the light, but when it bends becomes a lens of 1.75°, until the 22°, needed to produce a halo of gravity), and finally we know the existence of dark matter by the anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background. The matter crystalline is transparent, is also known for that is a lens, and finally we know the characteristics of anisotropy of the crystals.

In the universe the existence of cold was due to the loss of energy of the matter by change of phase, according to physics minor movement of the atoms of a system is cold.

According to this, we can say that where there is cold there are atoms and by consequent matter, so we can conclude, that space is filled with matter that by phase change came to this state of vibration (cold).

I conclude that in the space, there is no heat or cold, there is radiation to be absorbed by the body, generating a higher energy vibration, causing increased molecular movement of bodies. And ionic crystals to be impregnated in the bodies, originating a lower vibration of energy, causing a lower molecular motion of bodies or cold, therefore the substances tend to solidify.

According to what we have been talking about when matter begins to present these temperatures is because the motion of its atoms has decreased, and at these temperatures most of the matter is solidified, so arguably that matter that produces cold in space is a solid. Solid with entropy in nature, able to get almost to absolute zero is the Crystal, also for its transparency it is also capable of living in an environment of high radiation, absorbing very little energy.  That is why the temperatures existing in the space vary from is 180C° or more, until the -270C°, as it is in certain places where the radiation level is lower.

Mortimer Charles E, QUÍMICA, quinta edición, Grupo Editorial Iberoamérica, México 1983.
Chang Raymond, QUÍMICA, sexta edición, McGraw-Hill, México 1998.
A.J. Krubsack, Experimental Organic Chemistry, 1era edición, Allyn & Bacon Inc. Boston, 1973.
